I wonder if there has ever been a photo session with that specific combination of themes before. It was certainly a first for me as a photographer, but I love the results. We started with the planned part of the session- the Back-to-School photos. Little sister was pretty shy at first, but so sweet!
Big sister was a total ham in front of the camera! She definitely got the award for the most creative use of my props for the evening! I had to include these first two, just to give you a taste of her many faces. She made me laugh quite a lot!
She really enjoyed stacking the apples and was happy to give me a more serious face when I asked for it. 🙂
Around the time that the girls were about done with posing, the sun finally peeked out from the bottom edge of the clouds just in time to cast that rich, buttery evening light all over the field behind where I had been taking their photos. Big sister had been wanting to chase the grasshoppers that she’d seen jumping out there, so we headed out into the field to get some of my favorite shots of the whole evening.
When I told big sister that she could eat one of the apples, little sister thought that she wouldn’t get to eat one and was feeling deflated, but then I think I found the key to her heart when I told her that of course she could eat one too!
So obviously this family is getting far more photos than the six that were promised, but there were just too many good ones! Thanks for playing with me and letting me take your photos, ladies! I hope you enjoy them!